Primer on Color Therapy for Healing

According to, color therapy dates back to antiquity but came into a more modern form in the mid-1800s. Though the electric light was not yet invented, their utilization of sunlight and glass filters served as efficiently as any present-day therapeutic device. The classic reference volume, Principles of Light and Color (by Dr. Babbitt, first edition published in 1878), detailed many case histories successfully treated with color therapy using even a rudimentary device: a colored glass bottle.

How can colored light possibly cause a physiologic effect inside a human (or animal) body? Several answers can be given, each may be correct for a particular case or health condition. The first and probably best known is the so-called “blue-light” therapy for some types of neonatal jaundice. Light applied to the skin causes a chemical reaction (photo-oxidation) in blood circulating under the skin, effectively lessening bilirubin levels with the aid of the liver. The second, also by exposure of the skin, is production of vitamin D though it is generated by a higher frequency (ultraviolet) rather than visible light. Third is light energy entering through the eyes. A common misconception is that the eyes function solely in the capacity of visual imaging.

Additional light exposure is well-known to cause a beneficial change in “seasonal affective disorder” (SAD), a condition believed to be caused by insufficient light energization through the eyes to the hypothalamus thence to the pituitary gland which controls the endocrine system. The fourth is the author’s (i.e. Darius Dinshah) hypothesis, derived from several sources: Each individual cell in a living organism has a specific function to perform. In so doing, it generates and radiates a specific energy; the cellular energy totality is often termed the “aura”. The liver radiates the equivalent frequency (harmonic) of red light, the pituitary radiates green, the spleen violet, circulatory system is magenta, lymphatic system is yellow, and so on.

The logic behind color therapy is this: when a particular organ or system is underactive, its auric energy decreases so the appropriate activating color is projected on the affected area (sometimes the entire body). If overactivity is present, such as in excessive fever, the obvious remedy is an opposite (depressant) color. Further, by energizing the natural reparative powers present within us, rather than relying on drugs with their attendant often-dangerous side effects, resistant bacteria are not encouraged. For more information visit or

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