A while back I read a book by John Selby called “Expand This Moment,” which I found to be a wonderful spiritual growth resource. Here’s a passage from it that I felt was really insightful:
“My experience is that, with a little bit of training, most people most of the time do have the power to just say no to their worries. Ultimately it’s a matter of choice – and action. But please note that I’m not suggesting you try to turn off your primitive fear center altogether. There are times every day when it’s vital to respond to the wake-up signal of fear. And a certain amount of time spent imagining potentially dangerous situations can keep you from getting hurt. But almost always, habitual worrying about the future is dangerous to your health, for four reasons:
Every moment spent focusing your power of attention on an imagined future event is a moment when you’re not here in the present to deal with dangers that might appear right now.
When you’re caught up in worry, your body reacts with a host of fear-based neurological and hormonal secretions that, if not released in immediate physical action, generate stress conditions that make you weak and dizzy, cloud your brain, and leave you unable to successfully deal with danger in the present moment.
When you’re stuck in worry mode, your overall performance at work drops, your ability to relate successfully is reduced, and your capacity to feel compassion is lost. Both your company and your family suffer as a result – and so do you.
At deeper levels, anxiety prevents you from receiving insight, love, power, and guidance from your spiritual core. Your consciousness contracts, and you’re all alone – which in turn makes you feel anxious and depressed.
To see these facts clearly is to evoke positive change in yourself.”
John Selby, in “Expand This Moment”
For more information about “Expand This Moment” visit Amazon.