How to Physically Heal your Body Today

A friend forwarded me a very interesting article about physical healing that was excellent. Below I’ve posted a portion of that article along with a link to the website it appeared on. From a cursory look at the site it looks like a great information resource for anyone on the spiritual path.

How to Physically Heal your Body Today
Written by Jafree Ozwald and Margot Zaher

“Your body is an amazing healing machine that has automatic processes built into it to ensure that it maintains a state of perfect health.  Science has found that your body’s cells naturally regenerate themselves at different speeds, depending upon where they are located in the body.  For instance, the cells of the eye take only 48 hours to regenerate themselves, whereas the cells of the liver take about 6 weeks to completely replicate themselves.  In one year from today, your entire body will contain 100% brand new cells where you will physically not be the same person that you are today!

Now you may be wondering how can a person create or maintain any illness past one year if every cell in the body will be completely regenerated and brand new?  Doctor Deepak Chopra asked the same question and through extensive research found an amazing discovery.  The reason unhealthy cells continue to replicate themselves is because negative emotions from life experiences become chemically trapped in the cell causing it to “remember” itself to be unhealthy.  The negative feelings in these cellular memories cause a healthy cell to replicate as “unhealthy” which leads to the perpetuation of an illness or disease.

“When negative emotion is dissipated our physical vehicles will vibrate in much greater harmony with nature and much disease will no longer consume man.”  ~ J.J.  Dewey

Other scientists such as Candace Pert, Joseph Ledoux, and Elliot Drucker have also found that the chemicals caused from your emotions are stored within the walls of the cells.  They’ve found that when you express positive healthy emotions (such as love, peace and gentleness) the cell walls respond to these positive emotions and their communication receptors remain open, receptive and healthy.  On the other hand, when a traumatic event occurs, chemicals called peptides flood into your blood stream and attach themselves to your cell receptors, hindering chemical communication from taking place. As long as the traumatic memory from these chemically blocked cells is not healed, they end up protecting themselves and cutting off healthy necessary communication with other cells in the body.  Blocked communication of cells in the body eventually over time leads to the development of physical illness showing up in the body.”

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