Author Archives: Jmaz

Is it Really “Your Very Essence” to be a Democrat or a Republican?

As the 2024 election season is in full swing in the United States, the dynamics are even more interesting when one steps back and surveys the situation as an observer, not a participant. For the past 30+ years, I’ve maintained … Continue reading

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The late Stuart Wilde on Religion II

“Now we turn to the nitty-gritty, the Gospels. Again, we are not allowed to ask who wrote them. We are expected to accept the authors veracity blindly and to refer to the authors via their pen names: Matthew, Mark, Luke, … Continue reading

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The late Stuart Wilde on Religion

In his book “The Quickening,” the late Stuart Wilde included a chapter entitled “Spiritual Concepts You’ll Probably Never Need.” The content in this chapter would likely be considered sacrilegious by those who follow any of the three major religions. When … Continue reading

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A Life-changing Audio Clip: Fr. Anthony DeMello on “Success”

Back in 1995 a friend loaned me some cassette tapes of an audio program called “Wake Up to Life” by Fr. Anthony DeMello. She recommended that before listening from the start I should skip ahead to a 4.5 minute segment … Continue reading

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The late, great author Stuart Wilde on Global Warming

“An apocalypse is a good money spinner. Threatening people with a good scare is a one way of cranking cash. I think a lot of our ecology concerns have been picked up by big business and turned into a handy … Continue reading

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Everyone is Born with a Natural Ability to Heal – Excerpt from “Dying for a Change” by William L. Murtha

Voice of Higher Presence: We are all born with this natural ability to self heal. It is woven into our genetic code and the cells in our body. As children, we instinctively know this. We don’t question it. But as … Continue reading

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The Power of the Words “I Am”

“The words I AM are so powerful that they must be used with extreme care. Why? Because the words I AM are your actual identity. They are your spiritual name, the identity of your spiritual self. Your I AM is … Continue reading

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Powerful Spiritual Advice from the late Stuart Wilde

“Here is an idea for you to consider: Your life is divine. The plan is perfect. As humans we come from a very special, very sacred place. Only your mind stands in the way. Free will is for amateurs. It … Continue reading

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Chief Seathl (Seattle) Speech – As Relevant as Ever

“The president in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land. But how can you buy or sell the sky? The land? The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air … Continue reading

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Passage from : Optimal EFT: Free e-Book, The Unseen Therapist (One Ultimate Remedy For Everything) by Gary Craig

“So, the problem is not that there is a lack of proof that negative emotions (and the resulting negative chemistry) are real causes of disease. Rather, it is that the medical establishment aims their remedies at the symptom level, not … Continue reading

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