“So, the problem is not that there is a lack of proof that negative emotions (and the resulting negative chemistry) are real causes of disease. Rather, it is that the medical establishment aims their remedies at the symptom level, not the cause.
Impeding the immune system and more: And the bigger and more persistent that negative chemistry, the more your immune system — and your body’s repair mechanisms — are impeded. This results in an increased tendency for disease and other ailments to take root in our bodies. It’s like playing a sport with an ever-weakening defense. The opposition can eventually score at will.
We are aware of some of the surface versions of this damage because they have immediate physical effects. We notice, for example, that a burst of anger causes immediate heart rate and blood pressure effects. Similarly, negative emotions such as anxiety and worry often show up instantly as abdominal distress, breathing difficulties, headaches or tightness in the throat and chest.
Regrettably, we are often unaware of even deeper damage until serious symptoms begin to appear. It often takes months or years — even decades — for that burden of negative chemistry to wear down our immune system and repair mechanisms and develop the more severe, longer duration symptoms that ultimately turn into (chronic) disease.
As stated before, this typically is where the medical profession administers drugs, radiation, surgery and other invasive techniques to, hopefully, arrest your symptoms. In the meantime, the underlying emotional causes go unattended and so, while the medical treatments may develop some apparent successes, the negative chemistry continues its crusade against your body.
Sadly, the emphasis on this important finding is much too low. This is understandable because, until now, doctors have not been given proper tools to truly neutralize the damaging effects of negative emotions. Their medical education is body oriented and “matters of the mind” are generally viewed as belonging to another field.
Enlisting the aid of The Unseen Therapist: Due to the fact that matters of the mind are not the focus of their training, they tend to refer to this problem as “stress” and recommend remedies like “change jobs” or “take a vacation” or “meditate.” Meditation is certainly a step in the right direction, but not enough in itself. That’s why we enlist the aid of The Unseen Therapist.
The same philosophy may be applied to psychiatrists and other doctors who are trained to look at “matters of the mind.” They also tend to treat the symptoms with drugs rather than target the cause. Again, The Unseen Therapist offers a chance for them to address the root of the problem.
Since 1995, many physicians and nurses have used my “True Cause = Negative Emotions” processes and have sent me many glowing reports. It is inevitable, I think, that the entire medical profession will eventually blend this true cause with the superb physical science they are collecting.
This will take time, of course. When this happens, the most obvious result is that our more progressive physicians will apply The Unseen Therapist before resorting to drugs, surgeries, radiation and other harsh remedies. This will be a major step forward for everyone as it will help maximize our healing possibilities while minimizing the sometimes disastrous side-effects of unnatural invasive techniques.”
Gary Craig, in “Optimal EFT: Free e-Book, The Unseen Therapist (One Ultimate Remedy For Everything)”
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